Vorona[VraAkar]: That's what this server needs... a guild in whiteface called the Killer Mimes...
Knyx: I'm a M/A
Knyx: I could beat you without my procs
Vorona[VraAkar]: Mime Assassin
[MV]Serivahn: all shades?
Vorona[VraAkar]: Yes, Seri
[TSP]Aradorn: just make all shades
Vorona[VraAkar]: Do you mind if I call you Seri?
Vorona[VraAkar]: They could pretend to be in glass boxes.
[MV]Serivahn: I'd prefurr ser.
[MV]Serivahn: or Seriv.
[MV]Serivahn: Seri sounds girly
Knyx: ok Seri
[MV]Serivahn: shut up knyxy
Vorona[VraAkar]: That just figures, anything but the first thing I typed.
Knyx: I like Knyxy
Vorona[VraAkar]: Knyxy sounds girly.
[MV]Serivahn: knyxy poo
Knyx: idc
[MV]Serivahn: Vorona can I make an irekei and join Vra'Akar
Knyx: Knyxy is <3
Vorona[VraAkar]: Yes, you may.
Knyx: Vorona can I?
Vorona[VraAkar]: But no bhri of mine is going to be a mime.
Vorona[VraAkar]: You made an Irekei, Nix, then you didn't join us.
Vorona[VraAkar]: I'm shattered.
Vorona[VraAkar]: Heartbroken.
Knyx: I'll bet
Vorona[VraAkar] sobs uncontrollably.
Knyx comforts Vorona
Knyx: There, there
Vorona[VraAkar]: Come back to us!
[MV]Goretash: :(
[MV]Goretash: Can my Irekei join?
Vorona[VraAkar]: We won't reject you.
Vorona[VraAkar]: Yes, Gorefluffy.
Knyx: I'm afraid I dont have enough Irekeis to go around ;(
Knyx: and I doubt UDL would be all too thrilled with me having a char in Vra'Akar ;/
Vorona[VraAkar]: Fuck UDL.
Arnie[TSP]: heh
Vorona[VraAkar]: Goddamned Dead Men.
Knyx: ;O
Vorona[VraAkar]: Pus-bleeders.
Knyx: I revised my bio
Vorona[VraAkar]: Good.
Feng: Wow
Vorona[VraAkar]: OMG, I'm sorry.
Feng: a bit aggressive tonight Vorona?
Knyx: sheesh
Vorona[VraAkar]: It's all *your* fault!
Knyx covers his virgin ears
Casi|UDL: fuck UDL?
Vorona[VraAkar]: Nothing personal or /ooc, Casi, sugar.
* * *
[CoE]Beltun: how did the FC event with Aelfric end?
[Note: You are reading this correctly. That is Beltun the Handsome, Minotaur and Bad Influence Advocate, in the Court of Evermore, as a Thrall. I'm pretty sure it was temporary and that it involved blood vengeance at the end. And, it is almost needless to say, Errandir.]
Arnie[TSP]: Pirates got his books
[CoE]Beltun: yes
Arnie[TSP]: Ransomed them back
[CoE]Beltun: but did he die?
Arnie[TSP]: Got a bunch of shit FC items
zophar: zophar and the evil fc
zophar: pked Dragonscale
zophar: for an hour
zophar: and then left ;d
zophar: thats how it ended
[CoE]Beltun: hahahahaha
zophar: you think im joking?
zophar: :P
Vorona[VraAkar]: I killed two Dragonscale and terrorized two more, this morning.
[BC]Riley: Was Aelfric the evil fc?
[CoE]Beltun: no
zophar: me, the shade guy, my roommate and another scout
[CoE]Beltun: he was the templar
Vorona[VraAkar]: But does anyone call me evil? No.
Vorona[VraAkar]: Let me tell you.... *Mimes* are evil.
Vorona[VraAkar]: We spared someone from Empire of Knights.
Vorona[VraAkar]: A Fury.
Vorona[VraAkar]: The Khar'uus said she was too cute to kill.
Vorona[VraAkar]: I should have killed her just for him noticing.
Knyx: ouch ;(
Knyx comforts poor Vorona
Vorona[VraAkar]: Vaelgard, we miss you.
Vorona[VraAkar]: V'laad misses you.
Vorona[VraAkar] feels like the small child at the end of "Shane".
[MV]Serivahn: I hated that book.
Vorona[VraAkar]: It was a book?
[MV]Serivahn: Before it was a movie, yea.
[MV]Serivahn: I had to read it in 9th grade I think.
Vorona[VraAkar]: You poor thing.